Lessons From Invoking The Archangels
As part of invoking the Archangels, we ask each of the angels if they have a message for us. Here I share the messages that the Archangels…
As part of invoking the Archangels, we ask each of the angels if they have a message for us. Here I share the messages that the Archangels gave me in a time of light, in hopes that these messages will help you as well.
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I have included a version of the archangel invocation from this website. Click the link for the full instructions (You should be facing east).
I encourage you to listen fully to the Archangels and ask for your own messages. Your messages are what you need at this time. I am sharing my messages as it is my mission to love, and I am in full certainty that these lessons will help those who need it. These message came in tune, in a nonverbal way that guided my lightbody.
Archangel Michael
“I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Michael to stand at my right-hand side. Please grant me the strength, courage, integrity, and protection I need to fulfill my purpose in this incarnation. Please use your sword to cut away any doubts and negativity. Surround me with your protection, so that I may always work on the side of good. Thank you.”
Allowing Archangel Michael’s sword of light to cut through all my darkness, I visualize a column of light horizontally instead of vertically, spinning around and destroying all of the darkness and shadows within me, from head to toes.
Asking Archangel Michael for his message, he put a staff of light into my hand. This was the same visualization as when I first met the brothers of light. I took this as a reminder of my own ability to director the vibration, as did Thoth with his staff. I took the staff of light from my right hand and brought it to my column of light, standing myself up tall and strong.
Archangel Uriel
“I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Uriel to stand on my left-hand side. Please release all my tensions, worries, and insecurities. Grant me tranquility and peace of mind. Help me to serve others, and to give and receive generously. Thank you.”
Uriel, on the left hand side, helps to find peace. I usually feel the relaxation into the earth form Uriel, clearing out anything I am clinging onto, reseting my chi.
When I asked Uriel for his message, he helped me to relax, and then several balls of light appeared in front of the areas that I was experiencing darkness. In my calm state these balls lit up the areas I needed healing, and instead of feeling them as pain, I felt them as alive, like I was more alive in these places.
This message, in my perception, was to love in the areas of soreness, pain, and discomfort; not feel them as a pain, but feel them as love and love the feeling. This love manifested in my third eye vision as the balls of light in front of them, allowing them to relax as the love of the light filled them up and allow them to get back to completing their purpose.
These balls of light then came back into the column of light allowing myself to become perfect again. The feeling of loving these parts of my body stayed after this visualization, and bled over into my mind. The feelings associated with the places, the unwanted connections I was harboring in my heart were now gone.
The message I understood was this: in order to heal ourselves, we shine love on our parts that need healing.
This love is in the form of light, a high vibration. I believe the light balls that I felt were the smaller fractal iterations of the column of light that I was now standing as, the same column of light that each individual has. This column of light connects us with the highest vibration of the source through the torus geometry present in all things.
By raising my loving vibration, these balls allowed the entire column of light, connected to the universe, to be reflected into the specific parts that needed the most help. Relaxation was the key that allowed this healing to take place.
Archangel Raphael
“I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Raphael to stand in front of me. Please fill me with wholeness and good health. Help me heal the wounds from the past. Please heal and restore every aspect of my being. Thank you.”
The next message was from Archangel Raphael. Usually when I invoke Archangel Raphael, I visualize and feel a ball of golden light in front of my abdomen. This ball of light holds my will, my wholeness, the expression my perfected self as a being of light, my light. I visualize my golden light being, my humanoid expression of sixth density light woven into humanoid form, and let this go through my entire body.
When I asked Archangel Michael if he had anything to share with me, the light was pulled into my abdomen and up through though the crown of my head.
This was like an instant revelation for me. It made so much sense.
The lesson was that in order to be myself, I had to raise my vibration up to that of the divine realms of the seventh chakra and beyond. This is the only way to remain pure, too give over the ego to the higher self. The halo of light above our heads allows us to hold these lower forms while still being connected to the higher light, the self must be kept here to embody that higher vibration in this form. The higher vibrations I needed to make be my true self were here, above my head, and had to come down to my abdomen, by raising my abdomen up, to be integrated into my bioelectric system.
Archangel Gabriel
“I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Gabriel to stand behind me. Please bring me insights so that I may always walk in the light. Remove all my doubts and fears, and purify my body, mind, and spirit. Thank you.”
The next lesson came from Archangel Gabriel. When I do the Archangel Gabriel meditation, I let beams of light flow through me from my feet up to my shoulders where they extend outward and upward to become beams of light that float off into wisps of light as they become my wings.
This time, upon asking if Archangel Gabriel had anything to say, he directed me to my bones, vibrating all the bones in my body. The bones lit up and I felt my skeletal system in its entirety as I assumed a more perfectly aligned posture. As this happened I was directed to the physical blockages close to my spine in my back, as my bones radiated healing energy to these parts.
This reminded me of the constant lesson from my blue guide, who always shows me to overlay my light body first before doing any kind of light work, and reminding me of the importance of walking in this light body throughout the day.
The lesson Archangel Gabriel showed me was a little different. He showed me how vibrating my bones allows the energy manifest in a physical way throughout my body, raising my vibrations to what they needed to be.
After these four lessons I felt glowing. Like light was shooting out of every cell in my body, like love was overflowing from my eyes.
My posture became that it should be, and my breathing full, as it should be, bringing attention to the soreness in my abdomen I am working through.
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Article by Douglas James.